Dr. Xing Di is a Research Scientist at the research unit of Protagolabs Inc. led by Cheng Yu. His research interests include the generative models and corresponding applications in biometrics. He received the Ph.D. degree at Johns Hopkins University in 2021 advised by Prof. Vishal Patel. Before joining Protagolabs, he worked/interned at PAII Inc. and Hikvision N.A. with Dr. Le Lu and Dr. Bo Wang respectively. In addition, he received the M.E. degree at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2015. He received the B.E. degree at The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu, China) in 2013. Now in Protagolabs Inc, he serves as a core application developer in Avagi.
- 2023.11: Our paper Transform-Equivariant Consistency Learning for Temporal Sentence Grounding was accepted in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
- 2023.10: Our paper ProS: Facial Omni-Representation Learning via Prototype-based Self-Distillation was accepted in WACV 2024
- 2022.11: Our paper Hypotheses tree building for one-shot temporal sentence localization was accepted in AAAI 2023
- 2022.10: Our paper Rethinking the video sampling and reasoning strategies for temporal sentence grounding was accepted in Findings of EMNLP 2022
- 2022.07: Our paper Backdoor attacks on crowd counting accepted in ACM’MM 2022